Mark here, Welcome to The CORE Strengths Challenge.
What I am going to share with you is something I discovered 25 years ago that changed the course of my life forever and I can promise it has the potential to change yours as well.
I’m talking about every area of my personal, professional & spiritual life.

When I talk about The 8 Key Areas Every Modern Man Must Master, area #1 is about mastering self.
A man will never master his life until he discovers, understands, and implements his CORE, OUTER CORE, Neutral, & Lesser Strengths.

Under this, you will find another one that explains the 30 CORE Strengths
To take the challenge, watch the video, and click the link.
You will be asked to fill in what see are your CORE Strengths, these are the talents God gave you that come easy to you.
Then fill in what you see are your Lesser Strengths. These are things that God gave you that may require some growth on your part.

 Then, take the 150-question survey and see how well you know yourself. 

All that is required is for you to read a statement and make a selection on the online form on a scale between 0 and 4.

 I say all the time that the greatest wisdom is to truly know one’s self.

So many men go through life and live in desperation, critical, or survival mode instead of thrive mode because they never understand how powerful God created them to be and to become.

The survey will take about 10-15 minutes and we will email you your results.
Turn of all distractions and give yourself 15 minutes. You owe it to yourself.
Men who thrive know the strengths they have. Men who thrive know the strengths they need to have.
Watch the next video, click the link... and Ill see you on the inside.